What's Hijama Cupping?
Our Prophet Muhammadﷺ said : "Whosoever performs Hijamah (cupping) on 17th, 19th & 21st (of the Islamic/lunar calendar) then it is a cure for every disease." - Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud (3861)
Anas Ibn Maalik reports Rasool Allahﷺ as saying: "Whoever wants to perform Hijamah (cupping) then let him search for the 17th, 19th & 21st (of the Islamic/lunar calendar) and let none of you allow his blood to rage (boil) such that it kills him." - Saheeh Sunan Abi Maajah (3486)
Wet hijama cupping, also known as "wet cupping" or "hijama," is an islamic traditional therapeutic practice that combines cupping therapy with a slight incision to draw out a small amount of blood. Here’s a closer look at what it involves:
What is Wet Hijama Cupping?
Wet Cupping has been practiced for many thousands of years all over the world by many different cultures. Earliest records in history show the art of Cupping being used in China and Egypt.
During the advent of Islam Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) refined Wet Cupping Therapy (Hijama) making it an Islamic discipline in its own right surrounded by rules and regulations particular to Islam only.
Islam greatly encourages the use of Hijama Therapy as a therapeutic and remedial treatment. Hijama works by creating a negative pressure in the applied area, thus relieving pain and pressure.
Hijama Therapy rids the body of harmful pathogens by drawing out the excess blood lying dormant underneath the skin. Research has shown considerable pathological differences in the healthy blood in the veins and the stagnant blood underneath the skin.
Hijama forces the body to increase its blood circulation and boosts the immune system allowing the body to use its natural resources to heal itself. It is a natural way to alleviate pain and treatment many illnesses.
We believe prevention is better than cure. Hijama Therapy is one of the best ways to avert illnesses and maintain good health. Today's diet and lifestyle choices are paramount in determining our risk for disease in the future. Combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise and having Hijama regularly can help prevent the occurence of illnesses in the future.
At Simply Hijama we want people to know how great this form of treatment really is! We want more people to use Hijama Therapy as a first port of call for illnesses, pain and even as a preventative measure.
Anas Ibn Maalik reports Rasool Allahﷺ as saying: "Whoever wants to perform Hijamah (cupping) then let him search for the 17th, 19th & 21st (of the Islamic/lunar calendar) and let none of you allow his blood to rage (boil) such that it kills him." - Saheeh Sunan Abi Maajah (3486)
Wet hijama cupping, also known as "wet cupping" or "hijama," is an islamic traditional therapeutic practice that combines cupping therapy with a slight incision to draw out a small amount of blood. Here’s a closer look at what it involves:
What is Wet Hijama Cupping?
Wet Cupping has been practiced for many thousands of years all over the world by many different cultures. Earliest records in history show the art of Cupping being used in China and Egypt.
During the advent of Islam Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) refined Wet Cupping Therapy (Hijama) making it an Islamic discipline in its own right surrounded by rules and regulations particular to Islam only.
Islam greatly encourages the use of Hijama Therapy as a therapeutic and remedial treatment. Hijama works by creating a negative pressure in the applied area, thus relieving pain and pressure.
Hijama Therapy rids the body of harmful pathogens by drawing out the excess blood lying dormant underneath the skin. Research has shown considerable pathological differences in the healthy blood in the veins and the stagnant blood underneath the skin.
Hijama forces the body to increase its blood circulation and boosts the immune system allowing the body to use its natural resources to heal itself. It is a natural way to alleviate pain and treatment many illnesses.
We believe prevention is better than cure. Hijama Therapy is one of the best ways to avert illnesses and maintain good health. Today's diet and lifestyle choices are paramount in determining our risk for disease in the future. Combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise and having Hijama regularly can help prevent the occurence of illnesses in the future.
At Simply Hijama we want people to know how great this form of treatment really is! We want more people to use Hijama Therapy as a first port of call for illnesses, pain and even as a preventative measure.
- Cupping Technique: Like traditional cupping, wet hijama involves placing special cups on the skin to create suction. This suction draws blood to the surface of the skin, which is believed to help with various ailments.
- Incisions: In wet cupping, the practitioner makes small, shallow incisions on the skin after the suction is applied. The cups are then reattached to create additional suction, drawing out a small amount of blood along with other toxins.
- Benefits: Proponents of wet hijama believe that it can help:
- Remove stagnant blood and toxins from the body
- Improve circulation
- Alleviate pain and inflammation
- Enhance overall health and well-being
- Applications: Wet hijama is often used to address a variety of conditions, including headaches, migraines, muscle pain, arthritis, and respiratory issues.
- Safety and Hygiene: It’s important to have wet cupping performed by a trained and certified practitioner to ensure proper technique and hygiene, minimizing the risk of infection.
The following dates are the sunnah days for Hijama cupping therapy for the year 2025
Cats are the pets of the Prophet (saw) which he loves very much. In Islam cats are viewed as holy animals. Many muslims believe that Muezza was Mohammed favourite cat.
Best days to have Hijama Cupping
The best and most beneficial days to have hijama performed, also commonly known as the 'Sunnah Days' are the 17th, 19th or 21st of the Islamic (Lunar) month which fall on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
Taking into consideration that in Islam the night enters before the day. So at sunset on Tuesday, Wednesday night comes in and so on.
Hijama Therapy is more beneficial when perfomed during the daytime between fajr and maghrib.
If you are not able to be cupped on the Sunnah days then the closest Monday, Tuesday or Thursday to the Sunnah Days are the next best days. Likewise, if there are no Sunnah days in a month, then the closest Monday, Tuesday or Thursday to the 17th, 19th, and 21st days of that month. If not, then on any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of the month.
Below are some narrations of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioning the best time to have Hijma performed:
Narrated Anas (radiyallahu anhu), that the Prophet (sallahu alaihi wasallam) used to get treated with cupping on the two jugular veins and the upper part of the back. He used to get treated with cupping on the 17th and 19th and the 21st. (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 2051)
Narrated Anas ibn Malik (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Whoever wants to be treated with Cupping let him search for the 17th or the 19th or the 21st. And do not let your blood become hyperaemic (becomes excessive/boil/rage) so that it kills you. (Sunan ibn Majah 3486)
Narrated Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Whoever gets treated with Cupping on the 17th and 19th and the 21st will be cured from every illness. (Sunan Abu Dawud 3861)
There are three main types of Cupping therapy
- Moving Cupping
Moving cupping can be performed at any time, on any day and for however long the patient desires. Massage cupping does not require the patient to have an empty stomach. The cup used for moving cupping can be kept for future uses by the same patient.
- Dry cupping
Areas of pain and inflammation greatly benefit from cupping as it relieves congestion and allows blood to flow easier. Dry cupping can be repeated daily and can be self-administered on body parts which are accessible to the patient.Tensions can be made light, medium or strong.
- Hijama (Wet Cupping)
When properly performed by a trained cupping therapist, cupping leaves no marks or scarring.
Hijama is best performed on an empty stomach and so it is advised that you do not eat for a minimum of 2-3 hours before treatment. After treatment, strenuous physical exercise should be restricted for 24 hours. This includes swimming, cycling, running etc. Normal activities should not be affected. You should also avoid showering for 24 hours.
If itching is experienced, oil, (preferably black seed or olive), can be applied to the surface of the skin. This will aid the natural healing of the skin as well as relieve itchiness.
Plastic cups CANNOT be re-used and must be disposed of safely via a clinical waste disposal program.
There are many healthy reasons why you should get Hijama Therapy done today
What your skin can tell you about your overall health.
The skin is the body's largest organ. It covers the entire body. It serves as a protective shield against heat, light, injury, and infection. The skin also:
Your skin takes on different thickness, color, and texture all over your body. For example, your head contains more hair follicles than anywhere else. But the soles of your feet have none. In addition, the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands are much thicker than skin on other areas of your body.
The skin is made up of 3 layers. Each layer has certain functions:
The skin is made up of 3 layers. Each layer has certain functions:
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Subcutaneous fat layer (hypodermis)
- Drink honey mixed with water and eat a healthy meal after Hijama, especially protein-rich food that is not too fatty or too spicy. It is very important to ease into your meal rather than eating a big meal all at once.
- Eating fruits, especially Dates, is recommended.
- Drink lots of water and warm herbal teas (noncaffeinated). Stay well hydrated.
- Avoid Red Meat, Soda, and Milk for 24 hours after Hijama. Cultured dairy products like buttermilk, sour cream, and yogurt are okay.
- Expect incisions to heal in 3-10 days depending on diet, age, weight, and skin moisture.
- Do not scratch the Hijama site. Apply Olive oil, Coconut oil, or Honey on Hijama sites for a few days or as needed. This will speed up healing and moisturize the skin. Always keep your incision site moist and clean.
- Do not use bandages on Hijama sites, Oxygen contact accelerates healing.
- You may clean the incision site with hydrogen peroxide to remove any dried blood or scabbing, as needed only (rarely needed).
- It is recommended to not shower for 12 to 24 hours after Hijama if you are diabetic. If you are not diabetic, make sure it is a quick shower, not too hot. Avoid soaking yourself in water or using (body wash, scrub soap, or shampoo) on Hijama sites. Avoid steam showers and sauna.
- Do Not engage in marital activities for up to 24 hours after Hijama.
- Consumption of Alcohol is prohibited for 24 hours (preferably 3 to 5 days) before and after Hijama.
- Maximize the benefits of Hijama by consuming Turmeric, Ginger, Pineapple, and Citrus Bioflavonoids such as lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits.
- Light exercise like walking is good, if you are feeling well, but DO NOT work out, carry heavy weights, or sweat after Hijama for 48 hours.
- If you experience Somnolence or sedation after Hijama, realize that they are typically brief and transient. However, avoid driving until you feel better.
- Increased bowel movement, and runny nose, among other temporary light effects, indicate the unobstructed flow of bodily fluids which means that your body’s natural cleansing process has kicked in and your body is in restoration mode.
- Avoid exposing Hijama sites to direct sunlight or strong heat as it may cause sweat. High sodium amounts contained in sweat could lead to itchiness and irritation.
- Avoid any chill or draft for 24 hours after Hijama.
- You might notice a raised bump on your head after doing Head Hijama, this is normal and will go away on its own typically in 12 hours.
- Relief after Hijama could be instant or it could be slow and gradual. It could take a few days before Hijama relief kicks in.
- You should not smoke or vape after Hijama for a minimum of 4 hours. This will help increase your oxygen levels and rejuvenate your lung cells. Make sure to give Hijama a chance to work. Bonus: Hijama helps overcome withdrawal symptoms effectively.
- Do not get Hijama done a day before or after getting vaccinated.
- Do not donate blood a month before or after Hijama.
- Unless diabetic, do not use Neomycin. It causes allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) which makes the skin red, scaly, and itchy.